Ürünlerimiz - HVDC Converter Transformers

HVDC Converter Transformers

HVDC converter transformers

HVDC (high-voltage direct current) is a highly efficient alternative for transmitting large amounts of electricity over long distances and for special purpose applications. As a key enabler in the future energy system based on renewables, HVDC is truly shaping the grid of the future.

ABB pioneered HVDC transmission technology in the 1950s and continuously develops the HVDC technology to meet the demands of economic and sustainable transmission and integration of different electricity generation types.

The ultra-high voltage (UHV) technology is an advancement of HVDC, transmitting large amount of power with minimum losses and integrating renewables often located at a great distance from centers of the demand. ABB successfully developed and tested 1,100 kV converter transformer technology breaking the record for the highest DC voltage levels ever.


Product scope

  • HVDC classic converter transformers up to 12 GW (Gigawatt) and 80 kV -1,100 kV direct current (DC) and 1,200 kV alternating current (AC)
  • HVDC Light converter transformers up to 1,500 MW and 500 kV

Why ABB?

  • ABB has delivered more than half of the world’s projects has designed and manufactured more than 550 HVDC converter transformer units in the range 80 kV -1,100 kV DC voltage range
  • ABB pioneered HVDC transmission technology in the 1950s


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